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You are going to love the variety of movements demonstrated here by some of the biggest champions in the Reactive Training Community.
Limited internal hip rotation has been associated with lower back pain as the lumbar spine is subjected to rotational motions it is not designed for.  Using Core-Tex in a functionally loaded position, can produce immediate results in internal hip rotation range of motion. 
You can't treat thoracic mobility like hip, or shoulder or ankle mobility. The hip, shoulder and ankle are individual joints. The thoracic spine is major body segment with multiple joints involved, plus the neurologically sensitive diaphragm.
Stillness and being propped in "proper" position is not the solution to avoid back pain while sitting.  Mico-movements give the brain and biology what they need to stay healthy and do more than any ergonomic chair will ever do.
Sure the glutes are responsible for those big squat lifts and powerful hip extension.  But they also play a critical roll in the overall function on the hip joint and pelvic control in day to day activity .  And most day to day activities involve a period of unilateral loading of a limb.  That is why the single leg glute bridge is such a great exercise.
Limited ankle mobility can be the difference between a well executed squat and significant stress on the lower back and knees.  After passive soft tissue work, (foam rolling, massage, percussion, etc.) we have to get active. 
We are fortunate to have Coach Mike Guevara offer up some progressions for the rear foot elevated version of the Split Squat with Core-Tex.  Having the rear foot elevated ensures that weight transfer to the front leg on Core-Tex.  
Percussion guns such as the Hypervolt, Theragun or Nimbl have shown benefits in improving range of motion and pain discomfort through assumed mechanical, neurological and fluid dynamic changes to the tissue. In this video, we apply those benefits to the patented motion of Core-Tex to further influence the tissue under dynamic conditions using the rhythmical, oscillating motions of Core-Tex.
With this demonstration and explanation, we are able to share the "how" and "why" of improving hip rotation via a traditionally sagittal plane strategy.

In this video, we show a systematic way that you can improve your hip rotation mobility by NOT doing hip rotation.
Balance is essentially a sub-category of reactive training.  You can't execute a purposeful recovery strategy until you first react to the change in the environment. Let Core-Tex help prime your nervous system and musculoskeletal system to meet balance needs across multiple scenarios. 
Core-Tex already provides an unmatched challenged to core training with its reactive variability. The ability to challenge the core timing, strength and efficiency through multiple vectors is unique to the patented motion of Core-Tex.

Is the Core-Tex trainer a piece of exercise equipment? 

Or is it an exercise environment?

Or is it a workout partner? 

The answer is “yes” to all 3.