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Paul Edmondson, Core-Tex Master Trainer and Gray Institute faculty uses the principles of function and patented motion of Core-Tex to introduce a very effective strategy for cervical spine rotation. 

Take your Core-Tex off the floor and open up incredible opportunities for the shoulder girdle. Use it for prehab, rehab, or dynamic warm-ups. Try these extremely effective exercises for your shoulder patients, athletes or clients.

The moves you'll see here will add valuable applications and novel ways to address the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle. 

The brilliant Dr. Gary Gray of the Gray Institute was an early adopter of Core-Tex and immediately saw the benefits and unique opportunities Core-Tex provides to applied functional science.

In this TBT (throwback Thursday) post from a Gray Institute newsletter, Gary talks about many of the benefits available from Core-Tex.

We are proud that Core-Tex is in use at the Gray Institute and also available through their online store