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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Core-Tex is quickly becoming a go-to tool for golfers, especially for those over 40.  These athletes are turning to Core-Tex as a must-have tool for pre-round warm-ups and mobility exercises. Whether on the golf range or in country club fitness centers, players are seeing immediate improvements in flexibility, rotational movement, and overall golf performance.
Does it look, feel, and remind you of the task? Does it pass the “smell test”? In other words, is it clearly transferable to the sport or activity you are training for? Not every exercise has to look like a golf swing or pickleball overhead, but there is a need to train the way you play. This is often the dilemma with the application of core training to rotational athletes.
The lateral myofascial line/chain/train consists of muscles and tissue that are primarily in the frontal plane but have functions in the other planes as well. Using the transverse plane motion of Core-Tex, we take advantage of the transverse plane AND other vectors using the patented motion of Core-Tex to create mobility in this tissue from top to bottom.
The S Posture, as classified by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), is one of the more common golf swing characteristics that can potentially lead to lower back pain. 
The C Posture, as classified by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), is one of the more common golf swing characteristics the detrimentally impact the golf swing. Watch TPI Level 3 instructor, Ken Miller demonstrate 3 profoundly impactful exercises using Core-Tex. 

Shoulder and hip separation. Core stability. Core strength.

These are not just fundamental athletic requirements; they are also healthy life requirements. With Core-Tex, we use the terminology “coil and uncoil”. To do this effectively, the body’s core must be both stable and strong...

You can't treat thoracic mobility like hip, or shoulder or ankle mobility. The hip, shoulder and ankle are individual joints. The thoracic spine is major body segment with multiple joints involved, plus the neurologically sensitive diaphragm.

Take your Core-Tex off the floor and open up incredible opportunities for the shoulder girdle. Use it for prehab, rehab, or dynamic warm-ups. Try these extremely effective exercises for your shoulder patients, athletes or clients.

The moves you'll see here will add valuable applications and novel ways to address the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle. 

There are so many benefits to the unrestricted rotational component to Core-Tex, especially for rotational athletes. But one application often overlooked is the influence the motion of Core-Tex will have on a ground-based limb. 

This demo uses the basic mechanics of a golf swing to highlight how the athlete can promote improved hip rotation on the fixed leg.  Core-Tex guides the movement on the ground based leg by rotating with the contralateral limb in contact with Core-Tex.

Pain is a complex experience.  Along with the biomechanical/biological elements, the psychological and social influences around expectations, beliefs, coaches, teammates, etc. all influence the body's response.  For the athlete, chronic pain related to their sport can be devastating.  

Golf is a prime example of a sport with a highly consistent movement pattern.  If that movement pattern produces pain or interferes with the preferred pattern- performance suffers. 

This video will show how John Sinclair, Performance Coach from The Hive performance center in Davie, Florida took his Division 1 golfer from FSU back to 100% using the environment created by Core-Tex. 

Why not take a "known" rehab  exercise and progress it in a novel and functional way?  Take a look at how you can create a progression for your rotator cuff patients and athletes. 

Take advantage of the motion of Core-Tex, the stability of the handrail and a few mini bands and you have a rotator cuff strengthening exercise that is more integrated and more interesting to your patient. 

Let that scapula dance!