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Here is an unmatched approach to knee rehab and injury prevention using the hard platform of Core-Tex with its ability to access multiple vectors to challenge the knee, hip and ankle.  The multiple and reactive variability challenges both the proprioceptive system and tissue tolerance in ways that can not be reproduced with any other environment. 

We all want to get maximum value out of our investment.  And for all of our trainers running bootcamps, home users with limited space or anyone looking for additional ways to take advantage of your Core-Tex, you're going to love these.   Ryan, from Shamelessly Fit in San Diego shows you some moves you probably never thought of. 

The benefits of the controlled, dynamic motion of Core-Tex for mobility is especially beneficial to the senior population. The ability to target all aspects of the tissue, while hydrating and keeping the nervous system engaged goes far beyond any floor based static stretching.  All movements are safe, controlled and dynamic utilizing all the movements of Core-Tex to access areas of the tissue one can not get on their own or even with a therapist or coach. 

The participants immediately feel the results and show objective improvements in ROM!

Pairing the omni-directional motion of Core-Tex with the vibration of Power Plate during a glute bridge/hip thrust allows for the movement of the torso to create variability to the joints and muscles during the exercise. This version of this popular exercise is great for challenging the posterior chain in novel ways.
This is a great mobility warm-up that hits the body 3 dimensionally, primes the nervous system and gets the heart rate and circulation going. Try this before your next workout as it preps you from top to bottom and experience Reactive Training!

Take your Core-Tex off the floor and open up incredible opportunities for the shoulder girdle. Use it for prehab, rehab, or dynamic warm-ups. Try these extremely effective exercises for your shoulder patients, athletes or clients.

The moves you'll see here will add valuable applications and novel ways to address the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle. 

Enjoy this exciting video that gives you a taste of some of the more dynamic exercises for individuals and group.  Make sure your volume is on!

There are so many benefits to the unrestricted rotational component to Core-Tex, especially for rotational athletes. But one application often overlooked is the influence the motion of Core-Tex will have on a ground-based limb. 

This demo uses the basic mechanics of a golf swing to highlight how the athlete can promote improved hip rotation on the fixed leg.  Core-Tex guides the movement on the ground based leg by rotating with the contralateral limb in contact with Core-Tex.

Our exercise video below really highlights several of the unique characteristics of the patented motion of Core-Tex.  This version of the Split Squat on Core-Tex allows you to target the glutes and posterior hip in all 3 planes AND add the necessary positive stress to the soft tissue structures of the knee.  This application will build resiliency against contact and non-contact stressors. 

No other environment will allow you to systematically expose the knee to an unlimited number of force vectors in a controlled environment like Core-Tex.

 According to the most current Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy and the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy in the Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy:

 "For the greatest reduction in future medical costs and prevention of ACL injuries, osteoarthritis, and total knee replacements, clinicians, coaches, parents, and athletes should encourage implementation of exercise-based ACL injury prevention programs in athletes 12 to 25 years of age and involved in sports with a high risk of ACL injury."

Hip mobility is a big concern for most. Finding a strategy that works in ways that nothing else does can be a game changer.  This hip/groin mobilization move takes full advantage of all the available vectors of Core-Tex to target the tissue in areas you may have never explored before.  

Similar to our half kneeling version, the standing version puts more emphasis on the single joint tissue and allows us to integrate the ankle and to some extent the rear foot.  Follow along to understand the best ways to maximize this mobility move. 

Here we take another "known" exercise and make it more integrated and 3 dimensional with Core-Tex.  Using the principles of reactive training, the Core-Tex Side Plank changes how, when and where your core fires for stability.  Expand the body's resiliency by exposing it to greater variability in stressors and problems to solve.  

Combine that with the added opportunity of challenging the shoulder girdle simultaneously and the body integrates the transfer of stability from the core to allow the shoulder to drive the Core-Tex.  

Take a "known" exercise to the reactive environment of Core-Tex and you get a much more comprehensive experience.  This version of the Curtsy Lunge can be used as a gentle mobility warm-up or ramped to a high-intensity reactive exercise.  With the transverse plane motion of Core-Tex, you get:

1.  Rotational demand on the glute/hip complex

2. The need to accelerate, decelerate and re-accelerate rotation from the hip

3.  Challenge rotational stability at the knee as the foot and lower move faster and arrive earlier and stay later than the hip

4.  Thoracic spine rotational mobility as the upper body is fixed while pelvis rotates below.

5.  Reactive variability at all involved joints as each repetition is different based on the motion of Core-Tex.