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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Adding the principles of movement variability to quadruped progressions using Core-Tex is an effective and efficient way to produce benefits you won't get from the ground. The quadruped position on Core-Tex introduces a dynamic environment for core and spinal stabilization that produces reactive muscle activity and associated variability. This means your muscles are training to turn on faster to protect your spine when needed.
We are thrilled to receive this feedback from Hands of Hope Physical Therapy and Wellness.  Beginning in 2023, Hands of Hope began utilizing Core-Tex in 10 of their clinics in the greater New York metropolitan area.  
We take 3 "known" exercises and show you how much more exponential value you get from doing them on Core-Tex. The patented motion provides movement opportunities that can not be reproduced on the ground or any other product.
Core-Tex is quickly becoming a go-to tool for golfers, especially for those over 40.  These athletes are turning to Core-Tex as a must-have tool for pre-round warm-ups and mobility exercises. Whether on the golf range or in country club fitness centers, players are seeing immediate improvements in flexibility, rotational movement, and overall golf performance.
Core-Tex and Core-Tex Sit inventor Anthony Carey had the pleasure and privilege of sharing a great deal of his accomplished fitness career with the listeners from NASM.  How and why Core-Tex and Core-Tex Sit came to be. 
Does it look, feel, and remind you of the task? Does it pass the “smell test”? In other words, is it clearly transferable to the sport or activity you are training for? Not every exercise has to look like a golf swing or pickleball overhead, but there is a need to train the way you play. This is often the dilemma with the application of core training to rotational athletes.

This article originally appeared on

You’re about to get detailed insight into an incredibly unique piece of equipment that is basically a Swiss Army Knife for optimizing numerous aspects of human movement.

It’s known as the Core-Tex Reactive Trainer. I bought it a few months ago and have been putting it through its paces, and…let’s just say it offers some very unique features we need to talk about.

As a physical therapist and strength & conditioning specialist who is obnoxiously passionate about helping patients and athletes overcome injuries and maximize their physical performance, I’m always on the hunt for equipment that can make a difference in their lives.

We often see our Core-Tex family assume upright balance training on Core-Tex goes from two hands on the handrail to hands free and no use of the handrail.  In other words, going from the most help to the least help. This may lead to a misinterpretation of Core-Tex being "too advanced" and a missed opportunity to scale your balance progressions in a way that allows the user to be successful.
Core-Tex plays well with others.  With the increased interest and research around dual tasking of cognitive exercises plus motor challenges, Core-Tex is emerging as a clinical favorite for many reasons:
The study we are sharing with you in this post looked at strength training of 58 older women and 6 males under age 70 .  The comparison was strength training with vs. without the use of unstable surfaces.

Balance training runs the continuum of fall prevention for the elderly and/or physically challenged to extreme demands of elite athletes and performers. The former is directly tied to function, quality of life and injury avoidance.

The research paper linked below compares conventional balance training (CBT) and reactive balance training (RBT). Although the study did not use Core-Tex, the RBT aspect did include a translation of the base of support, which is only one of the multiple characteristics of Core-Tex.  Core-Tex will also tilt and rotate combined with the translation.