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Limited internal hip rotation has been associated with lower back pain as the lumbar spine is subjected to rotational motions it is not designed for.  Using Core-Tex in a functionally loaded position, can produce immediate results in internal hip rotation range of motion. 
Stillness and being propped in "proper" position is not the solution to avoid back pain while sitting.  Mico-movements give the brain and biology what they need to stay healthy and do more than any ergonomic chair will ever do.
With this demonstration and explanation, we are able to share the "how" and "why" of improving hip rotation via a traditionally sagittal plane strategy.

In this video, we show a systematic way that you can improve your hip rotation mobility by NOT doing hip rotation.
There are so many benefits to the unrestricted rotational component to Core-Tex, especially for rotational athletes. But one application often overlooked is the influence the motion of Core-Tex will have on a ground-based limb. 

This demo uses the basic mechanics of a golf swing to highlight how the athlete can promote improved hip rotation on the fixed leg.  Core-Tex guides the movement on the ground based leg by rotating with the contralateral limb in contact with Core-Tex.

Pain is a complex experience.  Along with the biomechanical/biological elements, the psychological and social influences around expectations, beliefs, coaches, teammates, etc. all influence the body's response.  For the athlete, chronic pain related to their sport can be devastating.  

Golf is a prime example of a sport with a highly consistent movement pattern.  If that movement pattern produces pain or interferes with the preferred pattern- performance suffers. 

This video will show how John Sinclair, Performance Coach from The Hive performance center in Davie, Florida took his Division 1 golfer from FSU back to 100% using the environment created by Core-Tex. 

Those pesky hamstrings where everyone feels tight and no one likes to stretch. Let's go beyond the limited sagittal plane only stretching and experience how we can lengthen and load the tissue in multiple vectors. Target muscles fibers that you would never get on your own or even with the help of a therapist!
By dictating the user position on the platform, you can target specific motions of the lumber spine and the lower thoracic spine that will improve motion and stability.  These lower threshold moves are excellent for the patient or athlete currently experiencing lower back pain.  The subtle, fluid motions of the platform can reduce the threat and encourage safe motion. The user can perform completely independently of the therapist or trainer, allowing for ongoing motor learning and movement confidence.