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The American Council on Exercise sent over exercise physiologist Pete McCall to Function First to learn first hand what the Core-Tex™ has to offer. Watch Pete and Core-Tex inventor Anthony Carey go through some of the benefits of the Core-Tex™ and multi-dimensional reactive training.
You may think so, but the answer is “no”. The motion of the Core-Tex is patented and nothing else moves this way. Imagine the reactive variability that the motion you see in this slow motion video is creating to improve function and performance. So many benefits with so many options that best serve the client, patient or athlete. Stand, sit, kneel, lay, hands on, feet on and side lying to get you started. Then program the motion based on your objectives:
· Emphasize one plane
· React in all planes
· Control the motion
· Take advantage of 360 degrees of rotation
· Maximize speed for metabolic benefits
· Rhythmically oscillate for unbelievable mobility gains
· And the list goes on…..
The Core-Tex™ has applications to people of all levels and abilities.It is often thought that a senior patient or client would not do well with the Core-Tex™. The experience that we have had is with just a brief orientation and understanding of the range the platform moves, seniors do very well and are extremely enthusiastic about the benefits they receive from working on the Core-Tex™.
Watch two examples of clients working in the most challenging position on the Core-Tex™standing.