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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Adding the principles of movement variability to quadruped progressions using Core-Tex is an effective and efficient way to produce benefits you won't get from the ground. The quadruped position on Core-Tex introduces a dynamic environment for core and spinal stabilization that produces reactive muscle activity and associated variability. This means your muscles are training to turn on faster to protect your spine when needed.
We take 3 "known" exercises and show you how much more exponential value you get from doing them on Core-Tex. The patented motion provides movement opportunities that can not be reproduced on the ground or any other product.
We often see our Core-Tex family assume upright balance training on Core-Tex goes from two hands on the handrail to hands free and no use of the handrail.  In other words, going from the most help to the least help. This may lead to a misinterpretation of Core-Tex being "too advanced" and a missed opportunity to scale your balance progressions in a way that allows the user to be successful.
Core-Tex plays well with others.  With the increased interest and research around dual tasking of cognitive exercises plus motor challenges, Core-Tex is emerging as a clinical favorite for many reasons:

Balance training runs the continuum of fall prevention for the elderly and/or physically challenged to extreme demands of elite athletes and performers. The former is directly tied to function, quality of life and injury avoidance.

The research paper linked below compares conventional balance training (CBT) and reactive balance training (RBT). Although the study did not use Core-Tex, the RBT aspect did include a translation of the base of support, which is only one of the multiple characteristics of Core-Tex.  Core-Tex will also tilt and rotate combined with the translation. 

We are fortunate to have Coach Mike Guevara offer up some progressions for the rear foot elevated version of the Split Squat with Core-Tex.  Having the rear foot elevated ensures that weight transfer to the front leg on Core-Tex.  
Balance is essentially a sub-category of reactive training.  You can't execute a purposeful recovery strategy until you first react to the change in the environment. Let Core-Tex help prime your nervous system and musculoskeletal system to meet balance needs across multiple scenarios. 
Have you wondered if the Core-Tex RT or the Core-Tex Dual is right for you at home or the facility where you work?

We get that question all of the time. So we asked Core-Tex Inventor, Anthony Carey to put together a short video comparing the two.

Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey was commissioned by the American Council on Exercise to share the "why" behind the value reactive training and reactive variability for the client, patient, athlete or YOU. 
All unstable surfaces are not the same. When looking at the literature, it is often very challenging to differentiate between types of surfaces used in any given study or what is being compared in systematic reviews. This matters because they each have their own characteristics. Here, Core-Tex inventor and biomechanics expert Anthony Carey discusses some of the principles.

Showing some love for all the generous Core-Tex Champions around the globe who have been kind enough to add valuable content around Core-Tex and the benefits it brings to users of all abilities.  Thank you!