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PFP Exercise of the Week

11 Reactive Exercises
That Work Your Glutes In 3 Dimensions

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Functional anatomy tells us that the glutes work in all three planes of motion. However, when it comes to training the glutes, most people focus on three primary movements:

1. Squatting
2. Bridging
3. Lunging

These three great exercises are powerful in the sagittal plane but do little to challenge the posterior hip in the frontal or transverse planes. To maximize glute work for function, performance, and aesthetics, we can create the optimal glute demand by working in all planes and along multiple vectors.

Movements Demonstrated

  1. Glute Bridge Control (0:08)
  2. DJ “Scratchin” Bridge w/ Rotation (0:23)
  3. Hamstring Curls (0:38)
  4. Hamstring Curls with Banded Abduction (0:49)
  5. Glute bridge with Torso on Core-Tex (1:09)
  6. Glute bridge with Torso Banded Abduction (1:30)
  7. Single Leg Glute Bridge (1:47)
  8. 3D Glute from Split Squat (2:13)
  9. Curtsy Lunge (2:55)
  10. 3D Curtsy Lunge (3:17)
  11. Single Leg RDL with Internal Rotation (3:43)

One of the most effective ways to do this is to create unique loads on the glutes from the bottom up. Core-Tex provides an omni directional, reactive platform that will tilt, rotate, and translate simultaneously. This environment allows you to target the glutes in in all three planes of motion to both challenge and engage your client. Perform a glute bridge on Core-Tex will immediately hit new muscle angles and motor unit recruitment.

With Core-Tex, you can take your favorite glute exercises and immediately add a 3-dimensional component to them. Consider a Curtsy Lunge that you must accelerate, decelerate and re-accelerate in the transverse plane. You cannot do that with the ground.
Fully recruit all the glute fibers using just body weight, bands, and the challenge of Core-Tex. Core-Tex introduces reactive variability to your glute training, adding unique demands to the soft tissue and nervous system on every rep. These 11 moves are an entirely new training experience for your clients of any level or ability that you both will love.

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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Adding the principles of movement variability to quadruped progressions using Core-Tex is an effective and efficient way to produce benefits you won't get from the ground. The quadruped position on Core-Tex introduces a dynamic environment for core and spinal stabilization that produces reactive muscle activity and associated variability. This means your muscles are training to turn on faster to protect your spine when needed.
We are thrilled to receive this feedback from Hands of Hope Physical Therapy and Wellness.  Beginning in 2023, Hands of Hope began utilizing Core-Tex in 10 of their clinics in the greater New York metropolitan area.