Core-Tex Sit
Core-Tex Sit
We are thrilled to be working with the team from Seven Movements with Core-Tex Sit. The Seven Movements team is leading the way on "micro dosing" movement throughout the day, for better health outcomes.
In this video, co-founder John Sinclair shares some creative moves and brilliant insight into the many ways your Core-Tex Sit can both sustain and restore, healthy spinal motion.
You are already familiar with the Foundational Five sequence with Core-Tex Sit. By introducing two simple, exercise "props", we can further enhance the value of these 5 moves. We will also show you a brand-new core move that is done while sitting. This exercise (and its associated challenge) is not something you can do anywhere else. The patented motion of Core-Tex Sit will introduce a rotational challenge to your core and hips that provide incredibly unique benefits.
Ordinary planks are boring and can have diminishing returns. A plank with your hand on Core-Tex Sit keeps it interesting and has ongoing value due to the variability of the challenges Core-Tex Sit will present to your core stabilizers. It's going to a little different every time, keeping the benefits coming.
Take your sitting fitness moves to the next level with Core-Tex Sit. With more available motion then a stability ball, and easily placed on a chair or bench, Core-Tex Sit adds a core training element to every upper body exercise.
What happens when you take your Core-Tex Sit off the chair and place against the wall? You have an amazing tool for shoulder rehab. Improve rotator cuff stability, shoulder range of motion, scapulo-humeral rhythm and more.