You are already familiar with the Foundational Five sequence with Core-Tex Sit. By introducing two simple, exercise "props", we can further enhance the value of these 5 moves. We will also show you a brand-new core move that is done while sitting. This exercise (and its associated challenge) is not something you can do anywhere else. The patented motion of Core-Tex Sit will introduce a rotational challenge to your core and hips that provide incredibly unique benefits.
When using your Core-Tex Sit for purposeful exercises for pelvic floor health, lower back care or integrating core training, adding these simple progressions can help you incrementally add more challenge and critical movement variability to your routine. By adding more movement variability with your Core-Tex Sit, your body is better prepared to apply the learning and strengthening on Core-Tex Sit to more of your daily activities and fitness related demands.