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Two Must-Do Moves for Lower Back Pain and Mobility with Core-Tex Sit

Watch the two moves Core-Tex Sit inventor Anthony Carey is sure to do every day at this desk to keep his lower back, upper back and hips feeling great.  The patented movement and shape of Core-Tex Sit create the added benefits of variable movements on every rep.  Lower back pain with sitting is avoidable!

Scoliosis, a common spinal condition, affects the alignment and curvature of the spine. It can cause you discomfort and potentially impact the quality of your life. In this blog post, we will explore the basic biomechanics of scoliosis, shedding light on how exercise and the use of Core-Tex Sit can be beneficial in managing this condition.

We are thrilled to be working with the team from Seven Movements with Core-Tex Sit.  The Seven Movements team is leading the way on "micro dosing" movement throughout the day, for better health outcomes. 

In this video, co-founder John Sinclair shares some creative moves and brilliant insight into the many ways your Core-Tex Sit can both sustain and restore, healthy spinal motion. 

You are already familiar with the Foundational Five sequence with Core-Tex Sit.  By introducing two simple, exercise "props", we can further enhance the value of these 5 moves.  We will also show you a brand-new core move that is done while sitting.  This exercise (and its associated challenge) is not something you can do anywhere else.  The patented motion of Core-Tex Sit will introduce a rotational challenge to your core and hips that provide incredibly unique benefits.