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Core-Tex Trainer for Your Home Gym: Check All of the Fitness Boxes

Is the Core-Tex trainer a piece of exercise equipment?

Or is it an exercise environment?

Or is it a workout partner?

The answer is “yes” to all 3.

The shift to the home gym workout in the home or garage has been fast and furious.

With the closures of gyms and workout studios across the country, the desire to keep the workout fresh, engaging and effective for core training, strengthening and fat burning at home has become a huge priority. Home gym training equipment with the smallest footprint is now more important than ever! As fall and winter approach, many who relied on taking advantage of the outdoors may see that option become less available and less desirable.

If you are one of the 60% or more gym members who are not ready to go back for a while, check out the video below and read on to find the value of incorporating a piece of gym equipment that will meet your fitness needs and goals. You need a safe and effective training tool for your hard-core workout days, your cardio workouts, your mobility training, and your restorative core strength building.

Besides the community and motivation, we get from the gym, we also get access to a wide variety of training equipment and programming. Working with a personal trainer opens even more possibilities as they draw on their knowledge and experience to provide your body the variability in movements it needs to thrive and grow stronger.

If you can’t afford a home gym the likes of Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson, you are probably going to want to get the maximum amount of value out of the fewest number of pieces, taking up the least amount of space in your workout area.

Number one, you will want to be clear on your goals BUT you will also want to consider a broader definition of strength and core building fitness. Perhaps you want to lose weight or get stronger. They are valid and important goals, but they alone do not address the other components of fitness. The American College of Sports Medicine identifies cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility and neuromotor fitness (balance and agility) as the primary components of any fitness program. The Core-Tex Trainer has been scientifically proven to meet all of these components with one piece of gym equipment!

Although all of these components can be improved upon without any equipment, even the most seasoned fitness professionals love their “toys”.  Why?  Because the right training tool can make any aspect of fitness more productive and fun.  Sure, if you are traveling and stuck in hotel room with no gym, you can bust out an effective workout (if you know what you are doing).  But the fun and challenge of a functional and versatile piece of portable gym equipment cannot be overstated. 

With the right equipment like Core-Tex Trainer, you can have what we refer to as “blue ocean programming”.  That means the fitness applications are almost limitless for your exercise needs.  In contrast, consider something like a Peloton bike.  Although this is a great product and technology, it only has one application and can be an expensive choice with limited abilities.  Whenever you can, tick as many boxes as possible for your exercise needs both now and in the future. 

Besides versatility and physical engagement, what else is important for most your home gym?

Here are some tips and top considerations when choosing a home gym or work out trainer:

  1. Smallest footprint-a piece of gym equipment that does not max out your available space and leaves room for more if you want it.
  2. Low maintenance-minimal pieces that can break or must be regularly maintained. You should get hundreds of hours out of it without worrying about breakage or complicated upkeep.
  3. Online training help-access to simple video tutorials and inspiring exercise ideas from the company’s website and social media pages.
  4. Easily transportable- Ability to easily move your workout tool from one area to another within the home or garage, or even pack up in the trunk of the car and take to the park or stimulating location for a good workout.

If you are just starting out and search for the right training tool, some dumbbells, or kettlebells and a Core-Tex trainer will provide you with all your home gym needs.  You will get the fast and noticeable physical results and have fun working out. Check out the video below and make the best choice for your home gym needs.

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Why wait any longer when you can maximize your results with Core-Tex right now?
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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Adding the principles of movement variability to quadruped progressions using Core-Tex is an effective and efficient way to produce benefits you won't get from the ground. The quadruped position on Core-Tex introduces a dynamic environment for core and spinal stabilization that produces reactive muscle activity and associated variability. This means your muscles are training to turn on faster to protect your spine when needed.
We are thrilled to receive this feedback from Hands of Hope Physical Therapy and Wellness.  Beginning in 2023, Hands of Hope began utilizing Core-Tex in 10 of their clinics in the greater New York metropolitan area.