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3D Glute and Bullet Proof Your Knees

Our exercise video below really highlights several of the unique characteristics of the patented motion of Core-Tex.  This version of the Split Squat on Core-Tex allows you to target the glutes and posterior hip in all 3 planes AND add the necessary positive stress to the soft tissue structures of the knee.  This application will build resiliency against contact and non-contact stressors. 

No other environment will allow you to systematically expose the knee to an unlimited number of force vectors in a controlled environment like Core-Tex.

 According to the most current Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy and the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy in the Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy:

 "For the greatest reduction in future medical costs and prevention of ACL injuries, osteoarthritis, and total knee replacements, clinicians, coaches, parents, and athletes should encourage implementation of exercise-based ACL injury prevention programs in athletes 12 to 25 years of age and involved in sports with a high risk of ACL injury."

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Dr. Mackay discusses "quiet balance" and its role in performance.  He also shares his thoughts on eye and head movements and their relationships to both balance and golf performance. Along with Core-Tex inventor, Anthony Carey they demonstrate some of these applications. 

Adding the principles of movement variability to quadruped progressions using Core-Tex is an effective and efficient way to produce benefits you won't get from the ground. The quadruped position on Core-Tex introduces a dynamic environment for core and spinal stabilization that produces reactive muscle activity and associated variability. This means your muscles are training to turn on faster to protect your spine when needed.
We are thrilled to receive this feedback from Hands of Hope Physical Therapy and Wellness.  Beginning in 2023, Hands of Hope began utilizing Core-Tex in 10 of their clinics in the greater New York metropolitan area.