Endorsed By Top Leaders in Fitness, Rehabilitation & Sports Performance

George-Anthony Dulal-Whiteway NASM CPT, CES, PES, HCS / Founder & Head Coach - Brainstorm Fitness
In a sea of new innovations popping up everyday, it can be challenging as a studio owner and operator to decide how to equip a fitness facility to remain relevant and up to date with all of the current exercise trends and applications that we come across today. I was first introduced to the Core-Tex way before I decided to open a facility, but once I had to the opportunity to use one I had to have one of my own, so it became an obvious choice when the time came to choose equipment for my studio. Safety, versatility, scalability, and uniqueness are all key points when in the market for quality additions for our facility. The Core-Tex hits all of these, and with high marks! The value it adds to our programming, whether for mobility, strength, metabolic conditioning, or reactive training, is like no other single piece of equipment out there. It is, and will remain a staple at Brainstorm Fitness for years to come.

Brian Bradley / Vice President, Brand Development And Special Programs, The Egoscue Method
Because I place a huge emphasis on athletes to be "Hip-Driven", I am always looking for ways to speed up the process or make it more precise. The fine motor control exposed and corrected by the Core-Tex is truly a 360 degree/multiple vector must for rotational athletes and their game. Get one!

Michael Ricks / Former Professional Football Player and Owner of MRSPFitness
The Core-Tex is one of the first pieces of equipment that helps train human functionality and my "go-to" when I need to challenge someone. I use the Core-Tex with my high performance athletes and personal training clients who demonstrate bad motor habits when doing planks, push-ups, dynamic stretching and rotational exercises. Now my clients can master their mind-body connection when it comes to balance and stability. If you are looking for a pain-free way of training, this is a must have. Thank you Anthony for being a leader in the industry and making an amazing product.

Douglas S. Brooks M.S., Exercise Physiologist / Director of Athlete Conditioning, Sugar Bowl Ski Academy
This unique performance and rehab tool has become a fixture in our total approach to athlete conditioning, injury prevention and rehabilitation. My only regret is that I did not focus my attention on this product long ago and mainstream it into our programming. Now that I have taken the time to experience and understand its benefits, it has become a permanent training tool in our arsenal. Anecdotally, working for a brief period of time on the Core-Tex opened my hips and created mobility that I have not felt for years. It was a 'freedom of movement' that I can say 'felt liquid.' To be able to create mobility with stability, and reactive movement with unlimited variability in movement options, as well as place positive stress on tissue and joints, all in a dynamic environment where the challenge can be progressed or regressed, creates a 'must have' for my training and conditioning needs.

Peter Twist / President & CEO, Twist Sport Conditioning
The first thing I noticed with Core-Tex is how children mastered moves naturally while adults demonstrated more bad motor habits in serious need of correction. Who identified gaps in human abilities and the method to correct them? Anthony Carey, who is a first class innovative leader in fitness, sport, and rehab, clearly on top of his game. Core-Tex the product and exercise methods it permits, clearly reflects that. For the past 20 years Twist Sport Conditioning education has encouraged training "movement not muscles". For our athletes, we love tools which facilitate motor control, movement precision, and speeding up neural loops for a more responsive body. With its transverse plane movement, Core-Tex engages the myofascial slings. In the future you will hear alot more about MF slings anchoring core movements and as well how a focus on myofacial lines net the most natural, fluid and energy efficient movement. Anthony is once again ahead of the game. Let him position you ahead of the competition and gain an important edge for your clients.”

Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS / Owner, Fitness Quest 10
I absolutely love the Core-Tex . It has been my find of the year this year as it provides for a unique training environment that my clients and athletes love. You can work complete body strength, mobility exercises, reaction, and work in patterns that are hard to replicate with many other modalities. If you are trying to differentiate yourself from other trainers and offer the latest in training, the Core-Tex is a must tool for your toolbox.

Alan Holl / Former Head of Fitness, Virgin Active UK
At Virgin Active we pride ourselves on providing members with the latest innovation in order to keep them motivated and excited about coming to our clubs. Core-Tex provides a variety of workout options, teaching the body to work in an effective way both in and out of the gym.

Mike Clegg, Sr. / Former Manchester United Strength & Conditioning Coach
The Core-Tex is innovative and at the forefront of design and technology in the field of improving elite athletic performance.

Michol Dalcourt / Director, Institute of Motion
The Core-Tex is an extremely unique training tool that truly speaks to all facets of human function and performance. From reactive training to whole body integration, the Core-Tex is a perfect way to increase athletic performance and has tangible carry-over into life activities. This is an evolution in training products and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting results.

Gary Gray / The Gray Institute
A unique feature, of the Core-Tex that I think I enjoy the most is its ability to move very freely in the transverse plane. It’s also a wonderful tool to utilize to simulate a lot of the things that our body does when it’s airborne. It’s a great piece of equipment that creates an environment that simulates some really cool biomechanical reactions that you just can’t do on any other surface because it’s truly reactive…When you’re on the Core-Tex , you’ve got to sense it - you got to feel it you got to smell it and sway with it in all three planes of motion and immediately you realize that you have to react to this thing!

David Weck / CEO & Founder, BOSU Fitness, LLC
Having had the opportunity to train with an early prototype before the Core-Tex was widely available, I knew this product was a winner the first time I experienced it. The Core-Tex challenges the body in unique ways that makes it an important new product for rehab, fitness, and sports performance training. The new production Core-Tex is simply outstanding - definitely on my short list of favorite training tools!

Julia Morichelli FAFS, CPT / Founder, 626 Fitness
The Core-Tex is hands down one of the most versatile pieces of equipment on the market today! We love that not only can we work in all three planes, but we can challenge the circumduction motion in ways we could not get on our own or with most other pieces of equipment. A huge added value is that it allows you to improve on mobility, stability and increase strength, either one at a time or all together. The ability to add or take away the stability bars has allowed us to move it anywhere, place it in a higher location and incorporate it with many other pieces of equipment, thus allowing us to meet the needs of our clients and patients from age 9 to 90. The Core-Tex will pay for itself in results you get every time you use it!

Chuck Wolf / Director, Human Motion Associates
The core is more than just the abdominals; it truly is integrated into every movement from the great toe up through the cervical spine. There is nothing on the market today that can recruit the core more effectively through all three planes of motion than the Core-Tex . Whether the activity is from the standing vertical position, or a horizontal prone or supine position, the Core-Tex will train the core musculature most effectively. It is challenging, complex, and most of all, fun. This should become part of a comprehensive training tool spanning the rehabilitation to high performance athletic settings!

Dr. John Spencer Ellis / CEO National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA)
Core-Tex is awesome. I use it as an integral part of my own workouts three times a week. It helps my chronic low back pain stemming from a bicycle vs. car accident. Core-Tex is an important part of the MMA Conditioning Association curriculum. My organization always utilizes Anthony Carey's knowledge and technology when it comes to corrective exercise and balance. I highly recommend Core-Tex for all fitness pros and sports conditioning coaches.

Bill Sonnemaker / CEO, Catalyst Fitness
When it comes to balance and stabilization training equipment accept no substitute; the Core-Tex is my favorite tool to train with. It not only challenges my clients to master balance and stabilization, but they have fun doing it. The Core-Tex helps enhance the results I am able to obtain with all my clients. From sedentary to professional athletes and all populations in between the Core-Tex provides the perfect (real world) environment to challenge all three planes of motion while at the same time offering translational forces. Talk about transfer of training effect (functional training)!

Laree Draper / Owner, IronOnline
The Core-Tex can be used in a personal training or coaching setting -pretty much anything you can do on the floor can be done on the disc (with or without the handle guide and with or without training tools such as medicine balls and tubing): feet on, hands on, standing, kneeling, half-kneeling, planking…. In addition to adding a fun variety to your personal training studio or athletic training facility, this gem will make your clients and athletes perform better!

Ian O'Dwyer / Fitness Personally Studio
The Core-Tex is one of the most effective and challenging tools to come into our industry. It encourages the body to react through simply challenging the stabilizing mechanism with gentle, subtle movement. The level at which you can progress these movements is unlimited. It is a powerful tool that creates interaction of the entire body; from the toes to the nose. If you want to challenge the body in all facets, from strength to balance from the elite to the physically challenged this is the tool for you. Don’t wait get on the Core-Tex NOW .

Kenny Johnson / Premiere MMA Wrestling Coach
The athletes I work with need to be one step ahead of the competition. The Core-Tex is my weapon of choice to push my athletes to be the best they can be. The Core-Tex is unparalleled by any other piece of equipment for balance, mobility, stability, dynamic stretching and core work. Nothing else moves and works like the Core-Tex . Adding Core-Tex work to any program WILL increase athletic performance!

John Hardy / Chief Executive and Founder, FASTER Health and Fitness Limited
The Core-Tex is a fantastic tool that helps me train in the transverse plane in a unique way. As well as being a surface I can make predictable in three planes, it is also something that my clients love. It's so refreshing to use a piece of equipment that is built around how a client moves; and, how I want to train them, rather than trying to refresh old exercises with something new in your hand or to stand on. I'm such fan of Core-Tex , that I purchased a unit for each of my Personal Training studios, and utilize the Core-Tex in most of our FASTER Health and Fitness course videos.

Andrew Harrah, MS, PT / Girard Orthopedic Surgeons
In my 32 years of PT practice, the Core-Tex is one of the few clinical devices that have proven to be a real breakthrough. It combines the capabilities of other products into a well-designed, “all-in-one” device. The Core-Tex enables the progress of my therapeutic exercise and balance treatments to new levels. Most importantly, it is both effective and fun for my patients of all ages. The platform allows me to perform joint mobilization, range of motion, assisted flexibility and stabilization techniques that were previously unavailable. The Core-Tex allows me to progress many of my patients through the rehabilitation process more rapidly because it challenges their functional and biomechanical issues in all planes of motion simultaneously. The Core-Tex consistently demonstrates its value for patients of all skill levels in returning to their previous levels of sports performance.

Carolyn Peters M.A., ATC, CSCS / Athletic Trainer, San Diego State University
Since using the Core-Tex , I’ve seen marketed improvements with my athletes. My post operative Water Polo players have been more efficient and stronger when returning to the pool. The Core-Tex is challenging, adaptable, and fun for our patients and athletes. I incorporate it with every rehabilitation and maintance program I create.

Justin Price M.A. / The BioMechanics
The Core-Tex is a revolutionary piece of equipment that can help anyone improve their functional movement capabilities. The Core-Tex uses its unique design to train the body to learn how to decelerate as it reacts, reaches and moves away from it's comfort zone. This is why the Core-Tex is a must have tool when helping to activate the body's responses required to be truly functional, strong and pain-free.